Retail sector workers are the main beneficiaries of the PUP


New figures from the Department of Social Protection show that 53,088 people received Pandemic Unemployment Benefit this week, up from 54,824 the previous week.

The department said 22,310 of those receiving the payment are women and 30,778 are men.

The sector with the highest number of people receiving PUPs is the wholesale and retail sector with 8,961 people working in this sector receiving the payment.

Next come accommodation and food service activities (7,905) and administrative and support service activities (6,141).

The PUP was introduced swiftly by the government in March 2020 to provide an income safety net for those who lost their jobs when the Covid pandemic restrictions were introduced.

At its peak in May last year, the PUP was claimed by 605,000 people across a wide range of industries and in total more than 900,000 received at least one payment at some point in the past 22 months.

Ministry figures also today show that 5,145 people are currently receiving enhanced sickness benefit.

The PUP now has five rates as it reopened today to new entrants made redundant following the latest government Covid-19 restrictions.

The highest rate will be €350 and will be available to those earning €400 or more per week.

Those who received a salary between €300 and €399 before being made redundant will be entitled to €300.

There will be a rate of €250 for those who earned between €200 and €299, and €203 for those who earned between €151.50 and €200.

A new rate of €150 will be paid to those who previously earned less than €151.50.

The Department of Social Protection said it was to align the PUP with the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS).

It also better reflects the earnings of part-time workers, the ministry said.

The reopening of the PUP is limited to those who lose their jobs as a direct result of the introduction of the new restrictions from today.

The department said it will use earnings data to verify the employment status of all applicants.

The welfare minister said the PUP will apply to anyone who loses their job due to the restrictions announced last Friday.

Heather Humphreys said her department wants to support people who work in nightclubs and in the hospitality industry.

She added that the ministry will carry out checks.


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